
 Ten Days Before Christmas It is 10 days before Christmas 2023 and most of us are busy baking, decorating, planning wrapping, We are trying to create the perfect Christmas and give the perfect gifts for those we love, In the hustle and bustle of the season, it is easy to forget the real and true meaning. Over the last 30 or so years, the world has taken a distorted view of the real reason for December 25th. Some would have the birth of Christ erased from our celebration.  Merry Christmas becomes Happy Holidays. The Christmas tree would be a holiday tree. No mention of Christmas in our schools or at work. Any recognition of the Child of Peace would and should be eliminated according to some in the name of not offending those who do not believe. And yet, despite their efforts, Christmas is still celebrated. Christians still celebrate one of the holiest days of the year. Because we know that without Christmas, there would be no Easter. And without Easter there would be no hope for our ete
 Napkin Decoupage In Bible Journaling Using Gesso  To Decoupage With Napkins Because the pages in your Bible journal or notebook are weak, you will want to prime your page with gesso before you get started adding napkins to your pages if you are using a composition book or a thinner page journal. For the priming process in this case, I prefer to use clear gesso. That way all my Bible verses will show through. You will need some clear gesso and a paint brush or a foam brush. The foam brush will give a more even look. Where the paint brush will leave brush strokes which is also a nice look. Either clear gesso or matte medium will give you a semi transparent design. Lay some parchment paper or waxed paper under the page or pages that you are working on. Make sure that the piece that you are using goes beyond the page you are working on. That will prevent the product from seeping onto the edge of your Bible or getting on the other pages. Apply a thin coat of gesso. Then apply the napkin pi
 Finding Joy Our world is full of stress. Everyday life is filled with all kinds of stressful situations that bring harmful effects to both our mental and physical health. As women, we are called on to be the anchor of our families. Even if we are working women, it is assumed that we will take care of our homes and families in our "spare time". Think for a moment on the things that bring you real joy. What would that be for you? Psalm 94:19 "When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy." Psalm 94:19 "When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy." The Difference Between Joy And Happiness While joy and happiness can often happen at the same time, there is a little difference between them. Think of happiness as an emotion to things that are happening around you. Joy is more an internal motivation that occurs when we reach a goal or find our purpose in life. Happiness is an emotion while joy is more of a state of being
Washi Tape Bible Journal Ideas There are so many ways you can get creative with Bible Journaling. It all starts with understanding different techniques and tools o take you further in your journey. Washi tape is a thin removeable tape that can be used in your in your Bible journal and Bible journal notebook in many ways to create designs and themes for all of your pages. It comes in solid colors, metallics, and printed tapes. I promise you that once you start using it, you will become addicted to using it.  Washi tape is a low tack tape hat is very forgiving, If you make a mistake using it, you can slowly remove it to make a correction. Washi tape comes in different widths, from very thin to very wide. So having some different widths of washi tape, gives you a lot more options. Use The Back Pages Ideas The very last page of your Bible journal is the perfect place for an envelope to store things that you may want to keep within your Bible. Choose a colorful envelope and just tape it is
 Creating A Composition Gratitude Journal We have talked about the reasons and benefits of creating a gratitude journal. and we have talked about some simple ways to create a gratitude journal. Today we are going to get a little more creative with more ways to create your own custom gratitude journal. There is a special satisfaction when you create something that you use every day It is a one of a kind journal that you can cherish for years to come. So today, we are still working with composition books because they are the easiest type of book to use to create your own journal. This process is so easy to do. All you need is a composition book and I scrapbook paper pad. Out of that one pad you can get quite a few gratitude journals, You could do a full-sized composition book, but today we are working on half sized composition books. These are available on Amazon and also on at Walmart. I chose these because they are the perfect size to tuck in a purse or take with you when you travel. T
 Bible Journal Notebook While some people like to use a special Bible journal, other folks prefer to create a Bible notebook instead. There are advantages to both styles. You may not have a Bible Journaling version of the Bible. That should not stop you from journaling. There are no specific rules for Bible journaling.  Some folks do not like to write in their Bible. Oe perhaps there is not enough room on that margin that is used for Bible journaling to write what you feel or want to say. That is when a Bible journal notebook becomes your tool for Bible journaling. A Bible journal notebook is a tool to help you grow in wisdom of the Word and brings you closer to God. While it may take some discipline to get started and maintain this tool, the advantages of using it are well worth the time and effort.  Anyone can make their own Bible journal notebook, It is easy to create a custom journal even if you do not feel the least bit artistic. Since there are no rules for Bible Journal notebook
 Tea Time-A Needed Respite In our ever-hectic lives, we all need a little break to take the edge off the stress of the day! Our brains, hearts and souls are all taking the stress of the day and it is bound to affect us mentally, physically and even spiritually.  For the working women, hopefully you get that 15 minutes away from you work. But i know in todays real world that is not always so. And if you do get it, it is to grab a quick cup of coffee or to take a quick bathroom break only to rush back to the job to finish the day. After that, it is the ride home, then take care of the family, make dinner and get some chores done before heading to bed.  Stay at home Moms spend their days essentially taking care of everyone else's needs. It is far from being a picnic there either. It is basically a full-time job as well caring for home and family. I love people who claim the retired women have it so easy. When a woman retires, she moves to the job of tending to home and family. That of