About A Woman's Respite

We are all on a journey through life at some stage or another. For some of us we are in our twenties. Perhaps we are still in college or just starting out in our careers. The challenges and pressures seem overwhelming. And if that was not enough, society would have us be a certain way in our lifestyle, body shape, and looks. Those who do not "measure up" are deemed a failure. We have the pressure of loans that accumulated in school and financial pressure.  But those standards are being set by immoral and not necessarily God driven. But there are also little successes to enjoy and celebrate too.

Our thirties bring marriage, or perhaps the climb up the corporate ladder. In our drive to "make it" or "get there" the pressure to decide how and at what cost can be enormous. 

We may find ourselves as working mom's trying to afford reasonable safe childcare. There are never enough hours in a day to get all the things done that we need to. We feel a little stretched between our jobs, being a mom and /or a wife too. And yet, through all of that, watching our children grow and develop can be the biggest success of our lives.

In our 40's and 50's we my be raising teens and if you have ever traveled down that road, you know the stress that can bring. Between school activities, work and home life, there never seems to be a moment for ourselves. Many of us will now be in menopause and all of the lovely things that comes with that part of our lives.

The 60's may find us as empty nesters. There is another new world to get used to. We find more time on our hands and we are starting to look to retirement. We may be enjoying life for sure but our bodies may be changing in ways we do not appreciate. Our families may be growing with new family members as our children may be growing and marrying too.

In our 70's we may be heading to the end of our working life or be very close to retirement. We are ready for new adventures and enjoying our extended family. But now our bodies may or may not want to cooperate with us. We look in the mirror and wonder who that person with all the wrinkles is.

Our point-every stage of life has both joys and woes. That is the human side of our existence. There are at different stages of life that we need a break-a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant: But we also need a place to come and celebrate life too! That is what A Woman's Respite is about! Not only a place where we can find some relief, but also a place where we can celebrate our lives together as women of faith or those seeking faith.

We are a community of women of faith sharing our lives together-both the good and the challenging sides. We will share some ideas, inspiration and some faith-based fundamentals. 

We will be sharing some tools and products too that will help you along the way. Any commissions earned from this community will be donated in entirety to Samaritan' s Purse.


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