DIY Prayer Journal

Using A Blank Journal

There are some beautifully printed prayer journals on the market. These journals have everything you need in  a preprinted format. All you need is a pen and some paper to start on your prayer journal experience. But prayer journaling is a very personal experience and there are times when we want to have something that meets our needs. So creating our own prayer journal makes out time in payer  lot more personal.

Today we are going to talk to how to use a blank journal to create your own prayer journal. This is part of our series on creating and personalizing a prayer journal.

Remember, a prayer journal is just a record of your personal conversations with God. Just as we speak differently, our journal, our conversations with the Lord will be different from others. So take the elements that you need to include in your journal. Choose the things that make the most sense, have thr most meaning to you and include them in your prayer journal.

It is also the history of the growth of your soul. It tells the story of your Christian life. How wonderful to look back on the ways the Lord has been so active and a part of your life. You can be inspired by looking back and seeing how God has worked in your life. You can be inspired and take joy how you have overcome adversity and met challenges in your life.

Looking at your blank journal may seem daunting to you. There are many ways for you to prayer journal. The first step is to figure out what style meets your personality type. Some folks are more the bullet journal type, there journal may be simple lists. Others like to journal in more what would be considered a diary type of journal. Some like to use a strict format of topics. What you will find is as you prayer journal, you will find the right stye for you. The blank journal is going to give you the most amount of options. This type of journaling is great for the more creative souls who love to add all kinds of art, stickers and creativity to their journal.

How To Buy A Journal

So, the base of this DIY prayer journal is a journal that you would buy on or offline. There are a few things to consider fir the base that will be your prayer journal.

Pick a journal that appeals to you. Be selective in choosing a journal that has a cover that you really love. Be picky and find a journal that talks to your soul. If you have a journal that you are excited about and want to use, you will use it more consistently.

The first thing that you want to give thought to is the inside of the journal. Do you want it to have lines n every page or are do you want a completely blank space? Some people find it easier to use lines to journal on. Others prefer a blank space that enables them to create their own sections and lines. That is simply a personal preference.

You will also want to consider the size of the journal you would like to have. Journals come in lots of different sizes. The size that you need will depend on the amount of space you need on each page.

Size And Number Of Pages

Do you need a prayer journal that you can carry in a purse or tote bag, or do you plan to use your prayer journal strictly at home? Do you prefer larger pages, or would you rather have a more compact journal?
What works best for you?

Lined Or Unlined Pages?

Some folks prefer to have a blank page were they can design their own format. Other prefer a lined journal to create a space where they feel comfortable writing on. The choice is yours.

Weight Of The Paper

You want to have a good paper that has a weight. Some journals will tell you the weight of the paper inside. The higher the number, the better the paper. Using a better paper means that if you add markers, decorative pens or highlighters, you will not get bleed through on the other side. 

If you want to use a journal where the paper is thin, you have the option of gluing pages together. You can use a glue stick or some liquid glue to do this. Make sure that you cover the entire page, edge to edge with whatever glue you are using. If you are using liquid glue, make sure to spread the glue evenly across the page. Push the pages together. If you have a brayer you can roll it across the page to get them to stick together. Anything that you have that is round can work too.

You do not have to spend a ton of money on your prayer journal. If you find a nice journal in your local dollar store, use it. Composition books make great prayer journals. you get them online often on sale when school is ready to start. Use what works for you!

Other Supplies For Your Prayer Journal

There are a few things that you may want to include for use in your prayer journal. They are optional. They just make prayer journaling more fun.

  • Gel pens in different colors-adding colors make an impact in your journals. You can also use colored ballpoint pens or markers. You can doodle with them or add some topics in different colors.
  • Washi Tape is perfect for adding color and design to your pages. You can also use it to define sections of your journal. You can add color to the edges of your journal with it. 
  • Sticky Notes-add some extra thoughts with sticky notes. There is an endless number of colors, sizes and designs.
  • Decorative paperclips can mark pages that have special significance to you. Or it can just be a decorative add on to your pages.
  • Stickers and stamps-you can find lots of faith-based stickers and stamps to add more color and design to your prayer journal.
Make sure before you begin your prayer journal and as you are journaling to make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart. mind and understanding to Truth of the Word of God

Creating Topics

There are different ways to set up your prayer journal. One way is to create topics for every day of the week. You select 7 topics that you would like to focus on during the week. Theye could be anything that is on your heart. That does not mean that you can't pray about other things, it just means that these are items that you will focus on that day.

Then you divide your journal into 7 sections and add tabs to each section. On each day, you would then go to the topic and journal. You can tab your journal two different ways. Tab by topic or tab by the day of the week. Using the days of the week gives you more accountability. Tabbing by subject allows you to just continue along. You can decide which way works best for you. 

You can cut the paper and add tabs later. Or you can cut the paper with the tab as part of the divider.

You can create dividers for your sections very easily. Measure the page of the section. 
  1. Create some art work if you would like on a piece of heavy cardstock slightly smaller than the actual page. 
  2. Or you can cut some pretty printed card stock to meet your needs. 
  3. You could use some stamps and ink to create your dividers.
Once you have created your divider page, you attach it to the page in your journal. My personal preference is to use double sided tape. You can also use a good quality glue stick to attach your pages. You can use glue, but you may get wrinkles on the paper if the glue is not evenly spread out on the page. No matter what choice you make to attach the page, make sure that you attach it about 1/4 " away from the seam. That way the journal will open and close easier. I also like to add a strip of tape at the interior edge of the divider page. 

You can keep your journal simple. Just have three sections or you can have 2 columns per page. It is totally up to you how you want to use your journal!

When you start to journal. let your spirit feel free to express everything that is on your mind. Fill your pages with everything that you want God to know.

There are dozens of ways to set up your blank page prayer journal. Though there are suggestions for things that you could include, you need to set up your journal the way that feels most comfortable for you. Prayer journals are like spaghetti sauce. The basic ingredients mighr be there, but everyone has their own twist to the recipe.

As you grow in your prayer journal, your style may change and that's ok too. You will find your comfort zone and your own personal style. Keep it simple! It does not have to be complicated. Select the topics that speak to you.

Include Some Scripture

Use your Bible to find some meaningful Bible passages. Many Bibles have sone references that will guide you to find the right passage for that specific time in your life.

Being Grateful

Before anything else make sure to be grateful. Write down all if the things that you are grateful for that day. Thank God for all of the blessings in your life. You can easily have lists of all of the thing that have been blessings in your life. You can include this topic as part of your daily journaling, or you can just have it as an ongoing list. It's up to you/


Include a peace of scripture that speaks to your heart. Psalms are a great place to start. Write your peace of scripture on a post it note and place it on your journal page. It is a great way to start your journal for the day. If your Bible had references, just look up praise and it should give you good reference passages.


In this section, you want to think about where has your heart been. Psalm 39 tells us how the Lord knows what is on our hearts and minds. Because of Him we are able to receive complete forgiveness of our sins. Taking time to repent unloads all of our guilt. It cleans our soul and gives us more joy. 

Praying Scripture

There are so many wonderful prayers in the Bible that we can use to pray. These are prayers that have been in both the new and old  testament that help us turn our souls and minds to the Lord.

Write What Is On Your Heart

Pour your heart to the Lord. He is always there for you. No matter what is on your heart or soul, give it over to Him and your burden will be lighter.

Prayerful Requests

Some prayers are more urgent than others depending on the circumstances. You could have specific people or topics to pray on every day, or you could just pray for the things that are most urgent to you and those that you love.

You can have weekly prayer requests where you pray for the same things or people every week. You can also have monthly requests where you pray for some things every month. That way, you can go to your lists and pray on them. This simplifies your prayer time and helps you stay focused.

Petition-Praying For Yourself

For many of us, me included, this is a large topic in my prayer journal. We need to be seeking the Lord every day, in every way possible. In a confused world as we live in today, we need God more than ever before. Where many have goals of eroding our morality, we need the Lord in our heart and soul.

Prayers That Have Been Answered

Even if the Lord has not answered our prayer the exact way hoped He would, he still does answer our prayers. He always knows what is best for us. So, here is the place where we acknowledge what God has done in answered prayer for both ourselves and for other we have prayed for. 

Dreams With The Holy Spirit

Do you have dreams and goals in your life? Make them real and ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding to help you reach them. Pray on those dreams and goals to make them happen.

Another Way To Set Up A Prayer Journal

Setting Up Your Journal And Supplies

Once you have set up your journal and other supplies, it is time to find a place and a way to store them. If you have a favorite chair or place where you plan to journal, you will want to keep your things close by. You can keep them all in a pretty tote bag. Another way to store them all together would be to keep them in a basket or bin. Keeping them all together means less time searching for what you need and mre time spent with your thoughts and your Lord.

We have included some products and supplies to help you get started, Any commissions (at no extra cot to you) earned will be donated to our charity-Samaritan's Purse. We appreciate your support.


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