Using A Prayer Journal-Ideas And Tips

What Is A Prayer Journal

At some point of the day, many of us often do prayer request for a specific situation that we or someone close to us is facing. It might just be a fleeting thought like God Help Me. 

A prayer journal is a tangible way to spend time in mediation and worship. In the kind of world that we are living in we all need that time to slow down, get away from the online world. We need some tome to clarify our thoughts and focus on what is truly important. Spending the time in meditation and worship heals both our soul and our mind. Your attitude and stress level will change for the better when you take time to journal your thoughts, hopes, and needs in prayer.

“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles and the judgments he pronounced” (1 Chronicles 16:11-12).

A prayer journal should not be considered a burden but rather a joy. While many people do write in their prayer journal daily, you can journal as often as you can. Sine prayer journaling time is communication with God, having that time should be something that you want to do as often as possible. 

Think of a prayer journal as a tool that helps you focus your thoughts to God in praise, gratitude, confession and supplication.

The best way to be consistent about keeping a prayer journal is to keep it somewhere where you will see it. Keep your journal and supplies in a basket, tote or a plastic container close to your favorite sitting area. The dollar stores have some colorful plastic baskets that only cost $1.25. Check out your local thrift store for great baskets and totes too. Makes it so handy and easy to be able to sit fown and have everything at your fingertips.

How Will A Prayer Journal Help You?

In a very busy life, it is important to find some time for yourself. Prayer journals give you time to reflect, pray and calm your thoughts.

Spending time with your prayer journal will help you identify some of the problems you are facing in your life. Identifying your problems or those of your family is the first step to getting them solved. Your prayer journal will help you identify those challenges.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known by God. "  Phillipians 4:6 

Reasons To Start A Prayer Journal

Starting a prayer journal should be a joyful addition to your day. It is setting aside time to pray and be in prayerful communication with the Lord.

  • Celebrate and record God's faithfulness in your life. Prayer always brings us closer to God.
  • Keep track of your prayer requests. Writing your prayers helps you remember to pray for those in need (when these people are written down, you’re less likely to forget them).
  • Lighten your burdens by giving them to God.
  • Recalling and recording all the blessings in your life.
  • Helps you cope better with the stress and problems in your life.
Remember, perfection in handwriting or design does not matter. Perfection is not the goal. You do not need beautiful handwriting or artistic design. What you do need is a pen in your hand and an open and honest heart.

Types Of Prayer Journals

There are some very nice prayer journals that can be purchased both online and offline. If you like illustrations and scripture all put together for you, find the prayer journal that appeals to your heart and soul.
  • Printed Prayer journals come loaded with everything you need to get started.
  • There are also downloadable prayer journal pages that you can print. It is easy to find some page protectors, a binder and a whole punch to create your own personal prayer journal. Some resources are free, others have a bundle that may coat somewhere of about $10.
  • You can create your own prayer journal using a simple composition book or a binder filled with simple filler paper

Or if you are a creative, crafty person like me, you may opt to create your own prayer journal.

Free Printable Prayer Journal Pages

There are plenty of free prayer journal pages available for you to print. You do not need a fancy payer journal to get started, just a willing heart. Here are some resources to get you started.

Tools To Use With Your Prayer Journal

There are just a couple of tools that will make your prayer journey more meaningful. These tools will help you enhance your prayer journal experience.

A Bible

You will want to have a Bible on hand both for reference and as a part of your prayer journey experience. Have a version of the Bible that is worded so that you can understand and apply those words to your prayer journal. Take some time to read a passage that speaks to your heart. Many Bibles have reference pages that will lead you to quotes on particular topics that are meaningful to the things that you are praying about.

A Devotional

A daily devotional is a great way to get started before you start your prayer journal. It gets your mind in the mood to pray and focuses your mind on communicating with the Lord.

Materials And Supplies To Use With Your Prayer Journal

The only real tool that you need with a prayer journal, outside of the journal itself in reality is a pencil or a pen. Because after all, a journal is something that you write. But there is a lot more to a prayer journal than just jotting down a few notes. After all, you want to get the most out of your experience that you can. 

  • A Bible-You need a Bible to find the passages to include in your journal that will inspire and bless the cause or person that you are praying for. Use a version of the Bible that speaks to your heart.
  • A highlighter-A highlighter is handy if you want to highlight a passage or verse of your Bible for future use.
  • Markers, gel pens and colored pencils. These art supplies make your journal all the brighter and colorful. Celebrate your relation with the Lord with colorful designs throughout your prayer journal.
  • Sticky Notes-You can add extra thoughts and prayers to your journal. They come in so many different colors and designs.
  • Washi tape-Add lots of color and designs with washi tape. 
  • Stickers-Want more design options? Stickers are a great option. There are lots od stickers available in faith designs.

What Should Be Included In Your Prayer Journal?

No matter what prayer journal you decide to use, here are some suggestions for things that could be included on your prayer journal pages. Your thoughts, prayers, and dreams are reflected in a very personal way, so customize your journal to your needs.

Pray And Seek the Word

Using scripture to apply to a specific situation can be calming. It can also give us answers to the problems we are facing. Instead of looking to Facebook for answers to your life seek the Word and you will be blessed in so many ways.

Many Bibles have words and ideas for Scripture that fits your particular situaution. When you fond the passage that fits your need, journal it in your prayer journal. that way you can return to find the answer if and when the situation arises again.

It is important to seek God's direction for your life or the lives that you are praying for. Be specific and ask for the Lord's direction for those things you are praying for.

Write What Is In Your Heart

The Lord longs for communication with us. Prayer is the way we speak to Him. When you communicate what is on your heart and mind in your journal you are communicating your thoughts.

Thank God For Your Blessings

If you are not keeping a Gratitude Journal, consider adding a list of blessings in your life. Stating your blessings create a positive attitude that will carry through your day. Consider adding this feature to your prayer journal.

Ephesians 5:20—“…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Focus On The Positive Things In Your Day And Your Life

Doing so will increase your gratefulness. Having a positive attitude trains your brain to focus on the rather than the dark areas of your day. Even on your worst day, there is always at least one or two things that you are thankful for. They do not have to be huge things. They can in fact and most often are simple things. Perhaps getting home safely. Or having family time. Might be that your child got through dinner without fussing. There are many things that we can be grateful for every day. Even after the worst day in our lives, we can get up the next day knowing that the sun will rise, and new blessings await us. 

Prayers That You Are Lifting Up

What are you asking God to do in your life or in the lives of those you love? God will hear all of your requests. Not only can you request for people you know but for those requests that people have asked for prayers on social media,

Prayers That Have Been Answered

It can be amazing to realize all of the prayers that have been answered. God does hear our prayers and answers them. Sometimes, He answers our requests in ways that we cannot often understand. And sometimes we need to wait for His answer. Keeping track of our answered prayers celebrates and thanks His eternal love for all of us.

Ask His Forgiveness

While you are at prayer, make sure to ask for forgiveness for anything that is on your mind and heart. You will feel less burdened when you clear your conscience.

1 John 1:9—“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Dreams For Your Future

It is perfectly pleasing to God for you to dream about your future. The Holy Spirit will touch us in so many ways when we take the tome to think about what we seek in our lives.

What God Has Spoken To Your Heart

When we listen, God will speak to us. We just have to open our heart and mind to listen. Here is the place in your prayer journal where you can record a Bible passage that has spoken to you. Or something that you feel that the Lord has whispered to you.

Pray For Others

Ephesians 6:18-19—“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel…”

Ways To Enhance Your Prayer Journal Experience

You can make your prayer journal time even better with some Christian music. It focuses your time with the Lord away from the world and into His presence. Chose hymns or worship music that soothes your soul. 

You can use your prayer journal anywhere. But find a place that will help you take the time to reflect and renew yourself. It could be a favorite chair with a cup of tea. It could be in nature where you can renew and relax. Wherever you chose to be, find the place of quiet and calmness to experience the joy of spending time in prayer.

More Prayer Journal Tips

  • Set a pattern for yourself. Set aside some time in the evening when you know it is quieter for your prayer journal time. Or carry your journal with you on the go. It is up to you how you use it. Just set a pattern so that you create a habit of setting up a time for your prayer journaling. 
  • Keep two separate lists. One to thank God for all that He does in your life and the prayer requests that you bring to Him. Sometimes one section of your list may be longer than the other. But the goal is to find balance in the two sides.
  • Leave space for the answers that God will give you. Be assured that He will answer your prayers, The answer may not be what you have asked for. But remember, He sees the big picture and knows what is best for you.
  • Reserve a page for permanent prayer items. These are ongoing prayers that cannot be answered in a lifetime but are ongoing. They could be requests to make us a better Christian, bring us closer to God, or help us in a specific area of our lives.
  • Collect prayer gems. It might be something from a sermon or something that you see in a devotional. Collect these gems and make special note of them in your prayer journal.
  • Look back to look forward. Take a moment every to look at the day or the week before to see how God is working in your life.


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